The Light In The Dark

Lately the world seems so gloomy since the outbreak of a new disease. At the first time, i was also afraid of this new virus, but since i heard that a lot of people recover from it, i feel that i shouldn’t worry too much. I do concern about this since i have a toddler who can’t take care of herself yet.

This new disease actually brings not only illness, but also psychological effects. People are afraid of it because there is no medicine and also vaccines for it. People are afraid to go outside and socialize with others. More even worst, there are also prejudice of some nationalities and some also experience bullying because of it. I think what kill people more is not the disease itself, but the prejudice and frightened that it brought.

Beside of it, some cities and even country was lockdown temporarily to stop the spreading. In the country, where i live now, the schools, universities, some public areas are closed till Easter. The events with more than 100 attendants should be cancelled also. We prefer not to go to public area also for a moment. The people start getting panic in buying groceries. Luckily, i and my family don’t feel panic, because we believe that we do our best to stay healthy. It’s better than getting stress. The more stress that we feel, the more negative effect that it brings to our immune system.

As it has been socialized that the most effective way to fight this virus is our own antibodies. We should wash our hand frequently, eat a lot of healthy things, exercise more, sleep enough, and avoid stress. For me, if i can add one more things, than it would be pray. Praying to our God brings inner peace that could strengthen our mind and immune system.

After a lot of reading about this disease and news about it, i also find that there are actually positive effect of it, if you want to see. Since people are afraid going out, some even work at home, children stay also at home, there are a lot of family time to be enjoyed. We do care more also about our health, what we consume, we are also motivated to exercise more in order to stay healthy. So for me, this is like a light in the dark. If we turn on this light in our own family, i believe the dark will be vanished. So it’s much better to keep healthy, rather than being panic. Even though there are no medicine or vaccines for this virus, the people who are infected, can also recover from it, depends on our immune system.

So, instead of thinking about the fear that we create in our mind about this virus, let us take care more about our body, our health, stay positive, stay healthy.

Have a nice day everyone. I hope all of you are healthy and happy 😊. God bless us.

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